Wednesday, July 05, 2006

14 Months

I am such a big girl now!
To celebrate turning 14 months old, I tee-tee'd in my big girl potty for the first time! I don't want my parents to get off too easily, so I use my potty successfully about once a week. This keeps the praise coming and the expectations low...
I feed myself breakfast... even yogurt these days! Yogurt dipped waffles are one of my favorite breakfasts. Especially yogurt dipped blueberry waffles!
It's Mother's Day!
Mama ran the Y-Me 10K for breast cancer. All she wanted from Daddy and me was to register her for this run and to help her raise a little money. Thanks to all of our family and friends, we raised over $500 in 48hours!

After the race, we went to try out "Texas style BBQ" in Chicago. What were my parents thinking?! I think we'll stick to eating BBQ when we're visiting our HOMELAND from now on. It's true - everything is bigger and BETTER in Texas!

My neighbor-friend Olivia and I like to have pool parties in the street infront of our houses. We also have popsicle parties when it is hot outside!

Here's our art work from the pool party... Mama helped us a little.

Come join me for a pool party any time. I'll be right here waiting for you!


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