Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sweet 16 Months

I've been in TEXAS this month!
Grand~Jane picked me up from the airport. I tried every trick to stay awake... even the ole bow in the mouth trick, but all the travel wore me out! Saying "HI!" and "BYE-BYE" to every person on the plane can really be draining!
There's a stuffed "Bigby" at Grand~Jane's house!
What are you eating, Scarlet?
That is disgusting... vile, really.

Meet my Big George. I call this his "I want YOU" pose and yes, it worries me.

After two days in Amarillo, I went to DALLAS to meet Baby Bristol! My little friend was almost 7 weeks old when I went to meet her and she is super cute!

(Bristol's Daddy (Brad) and my Daddy have been friends since they were in the 5th grade!)

After meeting Bristol, I went to Peyton's Birthday Party. It was a BLAST and I discovered that I really like pizza!

Hello, Baby Jaci! After Peyton's party, we went to Jill & Jason's house to meet baby Jaci. She and Bristol were born just 1 day apart!

Let's just say that in Texas... it is Holy Hot!

I love you, Baby Jaci!

QPOS and the Petites!

I love Aunt Meme... pucker up, butter cup!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Watch My Video!

Friday, July 07, 2006

15 Months Old

Howdy, Y'all!
A big TEXAN welcome to you!
I'm ready for Fabulous (aka Aunt Alison) and my soon to be Unckie Brandon's engagement party at Grand Jane & Papa's Ranch!
My Great Grandmother, Mur, told me, "A cowgirl isn't a Cowgirl without her hat!"

With some help, I am ready as ever for the Party! I've even got my trusty "cow dog" Rigby here by my side.

A trip to Amarillo wouldn't be complete without stopping off to see George Lee rope! While he roped, I hung out with my Daddy & George Lee's Daddy, Jerry. Yes, yes, yes! I'm wearing a sticker on my forehead. I thought it looked really pretty. The picture doesn't do it justice.
************************************************************************************* FATHER'S DAY

Daddy, Thank you for loving me so well. I love spending time with you and completely adore you. Thank you for changing my diapers in the middle of the night, for risking your life as you walk down stairs half asleep to warm my bottles and for all of the kisses and sweet things you whisper to me while I'm sleeping. You are the BEST Daddy in the world and I am proud to call you MY DADDY.

Happy Father's Day ~ I love you from my head to my tiny toes! **************************************************************************************

Oh the nerve! Mama sneaked off to Dallas for a few days to see Baby Jaci Daniel. Jaci, don't get too comfortable - that's my Mama!

We Love you, Baby Jaci!
I can't wait to hug you and kiss you and pat you on your head!
"Bigby" and I like wearing bows.

Wearing bows with Bigby inspires a vast array of emotions!


We love macaroni! Olivia came over for macaroni and cheese. She just moved to Japan this week. I'm going to really miss our exciting meals, pool parties and popsicle parties. I love and miss you, Olivia!!

My first corn-on-the-cob


I am a filthy, barefoot, corn-on-th-cob eatin', card board box sittin' baby next to my beer drinkin' Daddy so take the blasted 6,000,000th picture and leave me be, Mama!

Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

14 Months

I am such a big girl now!
To celebrate turning 14 months old, I tee-tee'd in my big girl potty for the first time! I don't want my parents to get off too easily, so I use my potty successfully about once a week. This keeps the praise coming and the expectations low...
I feed myself breakfast... even yogurt these days! Yogurt dipped waffles are one of my favorite breakfasts. Especially yogurt dipped blueberry waffles!
It's Mother's Day!
Mama ran the Y-Me 10K for breast cancer. All she wanted from Daddy and me was to register her for this run and to help her raise a little money. Thanks to all of our family and friends, we raised over $500 in 48hours!

After the race, we went to try out "Texas style BBQ" in Chicago. What were my parents thinking?! I think we'll stick to eating BBQ when we're visiting our HOMELAND from now on. It's true - everything is bigger and BETTER in Texas!

My neighbor-friend Olivia and I like to have pool parties in the street infront of our houses. We also have popsicle parties when it is hot outside!

Here's our art work from the pool party... Mama helped us a little.

Come join me for a pool party any time. I'll be right here waiting for you!

Toddler Tiny Teen - 13 Months

My friend Chris May came to visit me in Chicago!
Daddy and Chris have been friends for a LONG time.

I love you, Cassie!

Now that we're clear on that, call your husband and tell him you're not going to move to California! You can stay here and hang out with me!

Biz, you're not living up to your nickname "Izzy-busy bomb" by lying around!

Sometimes, there's nothing better than lying around with best friends and good books!

Who is that beautiful baby behind the shades?

It's me, silly!

Chow for now, baby! We're outta here!

Easter 2006 - 13 Months

Easter is so much fun!
Mur sent me the best card ever!

Isabella & I spent Easter together.

Turns out she isn't fond of oversized Easter eggs.

Over sized bouncy balls are another story.

Here's my first Easter Egg!

Now I'm ready for some serious egg hunting.

I love you, Biz! Happy Easter!

At the end of the day, what more can you ask for when you've got a bunny and a pinwheel?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

ONE - April 2006

Since we turned 1, Isabella (who I call "biz") thinks
life is just one big party!

Speaking of parties, I have a tea party to attend!

Here you go, Pamela Anne!

Biz and I went to the zoo and were measured next to a POLAR Bear!

This is my neighbor friend Olivia. We love going to the park. I LOVE SLIDING!

I don't know about you, Daddy, but that looks like one monstrous slide.

Being ONE is fantastic!