Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Sweet 16 Months

I've been in TEXAS this month!
Grand~Jane picked me up from the airport. I tried every trick to stay awake... even the ole bow in the mouth trick, but all the travel wore me out! Saying "HI!" and "BYE-BYE" to every person on the plane can really be draining!
There's a stuffed "Bigby" at Grand~Jane's house!
What are you eating, Scarlet?
That is disgusting... vile, really.

Meet my Big George. I call this his "I want YOU" pose and yes, it worries me.

After two days in Amarillo, I went to DALLAS to meet Baby Bristol! My little friend was almost 7 weeks old when I went to meet her and she is super cute!

(Bristol's Daddy (Brad) and my Daddy have been friends since they were in the 5th grade!)

After meeting Bristol, I went to Peyton's Birthday Party. It was a BLAST and I discovered that I really like pizza!

Hello, Baby Jaci! After Peyton's party, we went to Jill & Jason's house to meet baby Jaci. She and Bristol were born just 1 day apart!

Let's just say that in Texas... it is Holy Hot!

I love you, Baby Jaci!

QPOS and the Petites!

I love Aunt Meme... pucker up, butter cup!


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